Epic Mystery Parties are different than many other Murder Mystery Games out there. An Epic Mystery Party is an interactive game where each of the guests are given a detailed history of their character along with goals, contacts and perhaps special abilities. Each guest makes their own decisions on how to achieve their character’s goals. It’s a very social game.
- There are no actors: You and your friends are the characters in the game.
- There is no predetermined script: How the game develops is up to the decisions that you and your friends make.
What you do (Host the Party):
- Invite the guests
- Decorate the location
- Organize/Provide the food/drinks
- Play the Game & Have Fun!
What we do (Host the Game):
- Plan the game
- Provide the invitations
- Provide the character outlines
- Run the game
Epic Murder Mystery Parties are as fun as you make them. Invite guests who want to play and be involved. Talking to other people is a must for all players to achieve their goals and win the game.
The size of the party can range from 12-50 people and we have many party themes to choose from.
The game is not played over a dinner table but rather works great with finger foods and snacks that can be eaten while socializing and mixing with others.